I love traveling, my friends and my family. I love geopolitics, international relationships and learning from others. I am creating my own new website, feel free to follow me on my social medias.
Discover My LinkedinI am currently an ESSEC first year student, studying in the Bachelor of Business Administration, english track
Website of EssecI speak fluently French, English, Japanese and am currently learning German and Chinese.
Internship at München Deutsch TV, Germany, 3 months, 2015 summer
Lecturer on substainable development & youth / foreign cultures and their challenge to the new generations, Yamagata dep., Japan, 2017/2018
English teacher in Japanese middle school, 2018
Private japanese teacher since october 2020
Lycée privé le Caousou.2017-2020 (Toulouse, 31) Baccalauréat ES.
Année de césure au lycée Sagae High school, Japan
Spreadsheet Modeling - Harvard Business
Certificate of European geopolitics – Sciences po Paris, France
Certificate of Sustainable Development in the 21st Century with Ban Ki-moon – Yonsee, South Korea
Drawing, reading, sport, traveling and art.
Pack Office (Excel, Word...), Photoshop, iMovie, Javascript and C++ programmation